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Recharge integration

Elevate your subscription experience, effortlessly applying discounts, and incentivize loyalty through a points-based reward system

Ana Rincon avatar
Written by Ana Rincon
Updated over 9 months ago

Recharge and Rivo integration explained

Recharge is one of the most popular payment and subscription platforms that you can integrate with your Loyalty program. Enhance the value of your subscriptions with a seamless connection that allows you to effortlessly import discounts and reward your subscribers with points.

Importing Loyalty discounts to Recharge

Enable the Recharge integration with Rivo to create discounts in both your Shopify Admin and Recharge, enhancing the overall subscription experience for your valued customers.

✨ Custom integrations are available on the Plus plan. See pricing β†’

  1. Go to Integrations

  2. Find Recharge in the Payments section and click Configure

  3. Enter your private API key (Where to find my private API Key?)

    Recharge integration page in Rivo
  4. Click Save

  5. Toggle the switch ON to enable the integration.

πŸ“ Important Note: Rivo will automatically import all supported discounts to Recharge. As a merchant, you will be able to apply a discount to a subscription from the merchant portal and/or allow customers to add the discount to their subscription from the customer portal.

Supported discounts

Once imported to Recharge, each discount can be added to a recurring order via the customer portal or within the Recharge merchant portal.

  • Amount Discount

  • Percentage Off

  • Free Product

  • Free Shipping.

Important considerations

  • All Rivo rewards imported to Recharge will apply to one charge only

  • Any requirements set for your reward such as the Minimum Cart Requirement, Apply To, Purchase Type, and Reward Expiration will apply to both initial and recurring orders once imported

  • In Recharge, the minimum cart value (Minimum Cart Requirement in Rivo) refers to the subtotal before taxes and shipping are applied

  • If the Purchase Type is not set in your reward, discounts will be imported for one-time products. We recommend setting the purchase type to Both

  • All discounts imported will be applied on API, Checkout, Customer portal, Merchant portal

  • Discounts manually applied to recurring orders, through the merchant or customer portals, are not counted in the total number of uses

  • The Maximum Shipping Amount set for the Free Shipping reward won't be synced

πŸ’‘ Find out more: Read Recharge's complete guide on discounts here.

Auto-apply advocate discount to subscription orders

Enable this feature to automatically apply the rewards your advocates earn upon completing a referral. This leads to higher redemption rates and simplifies the subscription renewal process by eliminating the need for manual entry of discount codes, making it smooth and quick for customers.

✨ Custom integrations are available on the Plus plan. See pricing β†’

  1. Go to Integrations

  2. Find Recharge in the Payments section and click Configure

  3. Make sure you have already entered your private API key, then tick the checkbox option Auto-apply advocate discounts to active subscriptions

    Recharge integration page in Rivo
  4. Click Save.

  5. Once your advocates start earning rewards for referrals completed, you should be able to see the discount applied to their active subscriptions

    Subscription from Recharge portal

Important considerations

  • This feature is only available for advocate rewards within the Referrals program

  • The Purchase Type for your advocate reward must be set to Subscription or Both

  • The advocate reward cannot be combined with other discounts. If your customer's subscription already has a discount applied, Rivo won't add the reward or retry adding the reward after the order is processed

  • Your private API key needs to grant permission to Read and Write Access to Discounts & Orders

  • An advocate reward applies to the upcoming order and will be removed after it is processed. The reward status will be updated in Rivo to Used.

Adding points for a new Recharge subscription

Enhance your subscription model and make every interaction a rewarding experience for your valued customers.

✨ Custom Actions are supported on the Scale and Plus plans. You also require Shopify Flow, which is available on the Basic, Shopify, Advanced, and Shopify Plus plans.

1. Create a Custom Action

  1. From your Rivo Dashboard, go to Programs > Points

  2. Click Add Another Way to Earn

  3. Select Custom Action in the Ways to Earn prompt

  4. Fill in all the fields on the page

    Custom Action earning rule settings
    1. Action Name - Enter the name for your custom Way to Earn points

    2. Completed Action Name - Enter the Action Name in past tense

    3. Description - Add a short description for your Way to Earn

    4. Points amount - Enter how many points your members should earn after posting a product review

    5. Limit how many times each customer can earn points for completing this action - Check this option to set an earning limit for the action

  5. Click Save and continue with the workflow setup.

2. Create a workflow in Shopify Flow

πŸ’‘ Time-saving tip: Click here to download our pre-made template to use. Just make sure to update the Custom Action Name.

  1. From your Shopify Admin, go to Shopify Flow

  2. Click the Create workflow button on the upper right side of the page

  3. Click Select a trigger, and then select Order created under Shopify triggers

  4. Click Then + to create a new step and click Condition. Make sure that the condition is set to If all conditions are met and click Add criteria

  5. Under Shopify API, click Order > customer and select productSubscriberStatus

  6. Make sure the Product subscriber status is set to Equal to ACTIVE

  7. Click Then + on the condition box to create a new step and click Action

  8. Under Installed App Actions, click Rivo: Loyalty & Referrals and select Add Points for a Custom Action

    Shopify workflow settings
  9. For Customer Identifier, enter {{}}

  10. For Custom Action Name, enter the exact name of the Custom Action set in Rivo

  11. Optional: Enter a new points amount in the Points Amount Override field if you want to override the points amount set in the app

  12. Optional: Tick the Skip Email box if you want to skip the Rivo email Points Earned

  13. Change the name of the workflow if preferred and once satisfied, click Turn on workflow to activate it.

πŸ“ Note: Both the Custom Action and Shopify workflow must be enabled.

Where to find my Private API Key?

  1. From your Recharge Admin Portal, go to Apps > API Tokens

  2. Click Create an API Token or Create an Admin API Token

  3. Fill out the token Details: Internal name and your preferred contact email

    Details for API token
  4. Under Permissions, make sure to select:

    1. Read and Write Access for Discounts

    2. Read and Write Access for Customers

  5. Tick the option I have read and agree with Recharge's API Terms of Service

    Condition to create an API token
  6. Click Save to generate the API key (sk_111111111...)

Common questions

Is Rivo able to import historical discounts generated before implementing the Recharge integration?

No. Once you have enabled the integration for the first time, Rivo will start importing to Recharge the discounts dynamically generated within the Loyalty program.

Why was the advocate discount not applied to my customer's subscription?

Here are some reasons for not adding the advocate discount to a subscription:

  • A discount was already added to the subscription

  • The advocate incentive was not set to apply to either 'Both' or 'Subscription' purchase type.

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