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Integrating with Shopify Flow

Integrate Rivo with Shopify Flow to turbocharge your Loyalty Program

Laurence Leech avatar
Written by Laurence Leech
Updated this week


Shopify's powerful automation tool Flow allows you to instantly integrate Rivo Loyalty with a whole host of other Shopify apps and create workflows to expand your Loyalty Program in lots of ways!

✨ Shopify Flow is available to merchants on the Shopify, Advanced, or Shopify Plus plan

How does Rivo Loyalty work with Shopify Flow?

There are three components to a workflow in Shopify Flow: Triggers, Conditions and Actions. Check out Shopify's full guide here for more.

  • The Trigger is the event that initiates your automation.

  • Conditions set rules to determine if the action will execute.

  • The Action is the outcome or change that's made in your store or an app.

With Shopify Flow, you can add Rivo Trigger events to initiate your workflows and Rivo Action events that execute as the outcome of your workflows.

Rivo Triggers

The Rivo Triggers available are:

  • Customer moved down a tier

  • Customer moved up a tier

  • Customer VIP Tier Updated

  • Customer Birthday

The Rivo Conditions available for our triggers are:

  • VIP Tier Name

  • VIP Tier ID

Rivo Actions

The Rivo Actions available are:

  • Add Points

  • Add Points for a Custom Action

  • Add Points for a Review

  • Update Customer VIP Tier.

Common Questions

Will my customers see info about Ways to Earn created with Flow on the Loyalty widget or page?

Yes for Add Points for a Custom Action and Add Points for a Review as they have corresponding Ways to Earn created in the app. The general Add Points action is for awarding bonus points for anything a user does on your store.

What apps do integrate with Shopify Flow?

Please check this page out to see a list of other apps that integrate with Shopify Flow.

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